Published on May 4, 2004 By ARMS Eclipsed In Blogging
Earth rotated… eons passed by it had gathered a lot of memories…some of them were invigorating, many exhausting and the others turned out to be a heap of burden to be borne…

Especially today the day of which I have no idea about, the earth was in grief, because the purpose of its rotation had ceased to exist. The villains here were the watches, which could measure time! Hence, showing the earthlings that the earth could wax and wane the sun, now seemed meaningless!
So one day it came to a halt and stopped...stopped still and never rotated....

Some of its constituents called the humans who considered themselves strong and supreme with an average height of 5... (Sorry the earth could not fathom the minuscule unit) and their infinitesimal equipped brain figured out that the earth had stopped when they saw that their watches were ticking all the time but the earth seemed not to! Believe me no one ever doubted that their watches could be wrong...never...
So one side of the earth bore the brunt of the sun while the other hibernated in the dark.

After few decades the generations had solved their troubles...the people who were in the DaY had built huge shelters that gave a night and with visionary lights if needed to substitute the moon. There were amuseums if u wanted to see the portraits of the old earth. A huge NASA merry- go- round was being built to rotate the world again...rather that was how it was put to the children, who were the primary visitors to this place. And this project was the main debate in the oncoming elections. Meanwhile in the other part of the world people had fought darkness with vigor and had a new world with lights brighter and cooler than the sun and forms of energy more powerful and less harmful.

Everybody lived happily for a while.

But someone of whom I haven’t heard of... belonging to the NiGhT WoRlD said that if they could add the sun's power to their artificial lights then they could have so much energy that they will be able to rotate the earth. When that happens, darkness will envelope the DaY…and the unprepared guys in the DaY country will have to pay huge for power facilities. Such ideas made their leader think...

Meanwhile in the DaY side there were calamities like flood and rain because of the continuous water cycle and some ascetic there suggested that these were the results of the sins committed in the NiGhT WoRlD and that it should be purified of all its crimes...
Everybody believed him because they thought people would grow psychic in the dark and turn into thugs and crooks and malicious clairvoyants and were trying to access all the good that was in them(with the day citizens).

So one thing led to another and both waged a war...lights were blacked out in the NiGhT WoRlD and the army of the day was in chaos. Equally was the army of the NiGhT WoRlD in the DaY earth where their comrades and sergeants looked a little different. They were particularly feeling uneasy about the salty water coming out from their faces (sweat). as for the day army they had never seen such darkness nor did they have the proper equipment to fight it out!

The war was waged the end with say a couple of very loud pops and rather painful ones the earth was shaken only to wake up...irritated. It just shook around and everything seemed to become peaceful again and as the epochs flew by... the memories drained ... the earth began to rotate again with a satisfactory sigh! And I came to know about this when I visited the AMUSEUM...
And it was fascinating to know that they had called it museum before and in an attempt to seal all the bitter memories they had renamed it as the AMUSE-UM, "People....” I muttered.

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