Something is amiss out here, am I trying to emulate my contemporaries or am I stinking in self doubt? .. Conjure up an image of you alone with all the resources intact...the material world loses its are the rich, poor and genius! Whom would you try to impress now...yourself? c'mon it would boil down to the fact of who you actually you will try searching for someone of your own kind and if u meet him or her you will for another and then with three a society would ...
Earth rotated… eons passed by it had gathered a lot of memories…some of them were invigorating, many exhausting and the others turned out to be a heap of burden to be borne… Especially today the day of which I have no idea about, the earth was in grief, because the purpose of its rotation had ceased to exist. The villains here were the watches, which could measure time! Hence, showing the earthlings that the earth could wax and wane the sun, now seemed meaningless! So one day it came...
I walk into the cafeteria...and hear a voice "hey man how ya was the test...oooh see that girl....." the mind starts functioning the blood starts clogging up in a section of my has started ....I am shaky not knowing an answer which anybody of my age would know...”hey madhu”, a girl takes a peek at my table, “ got the assignment done?” and I give a blank stare all the while telling her to get the hell out of there. I am suffering in here ...contradictions...fighting agai...